Welcome to our Firm.

Our practice is restricted to tax law and we specialize in resolving tax disputes.

On a daily basis, we help clients effectively manage their personal and business tax disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) and before the Tax Court of Canada.

From time to time, the dispute may be considered, by the CRA, to be “tax evasion”. In that event, we protect our clients with the best Criminal law defense and the most favourable outcome possible.

In every case, we can help you the most if you come to us before the CRA comes to you.

So, if you or someone you care about has a serious tax issue, please Contact Us for a confidential, solicitor-client privileged, initial consultation. It is affordable and we are available during most business hours, (or after hours on Tuesday and Thursdays), by appointment.

At your initial consultation, we review your facts, share our view of the law as it applies to those facts and describe the most likely results at law. We outline our view of your options and help you decide as to the best course of action. We provide our estimate as to the legal and other fees that might be involved.

At the conclusion of the interview, you will know exactly where you really stand; you will be prepared to effectively deal with it; and you will be relieved.

We look forward to helping you.

Our Firm

We are a law firm focusing on business and tax disputes. We are a limited liability partnership providing business and tax law services.

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Our Lawyers

Our Lawyers offer extensive experience in a wide range of tax matters. Our practice is restricted to tax law and we specialize in resolving tax disputes.

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Our Approach

Tax disputes most often deal with past events. For those past events, the law is relatively “fixed” and specific client facts are also “fixed in time”.

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Our Office Location

  • 2150 Islington Ave.,
    Suite 103,Toronto,
    Ontario, M9P 3V4, Canada
  • Telephone:(289) 201-9348
  • FAX:289-201-9349
  • E-mail: shelley@brstaxlaw.ca